health & safety

Training Courses

The most valuable asset of your company is its human capital. By implementing strong health and safety standards, you can reduce risks, safeguard your reputation, and minimize productivity loss. This approach also fosters trust among both employees and customers. WECERT Training Academy offers comprehensive training and tools for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS), empowering you to proactively prevent workplace illnesses and injuries.

ISO 45001:2018 presents a distinctive opportunity to ensure that your organization is fully aligned with an Occupational Health and Safety management system. This alignment enables you to enhance your organization’s performance in terms of occupational health and safety.

Our experts are dedicated to assisting your teams in acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge to establish and uphold an ISO 45001-compliant OHSMS. We provide a variety of courses and tools tailored to different experience levels. Our introductory and advanced courses deliver essential insights into occupational health and safety and ISO 45001, while our internal and lead-auditor courses train learners to assess the effectiveness and adherence of the OHSMS.